Welcome Box
New Shahada Welcome Box
Are you a new Muslim in the U.S?
We would like to send you a Welcome Box for FREE.
This box contains some basic Islamic items and information.
(Items may Vary)
1- Qur'aan
2- Prayer Rug
3- Fortress of The Muslim
4- Basic books on Wudu, Prayer and Islam
5- Basic Book of Seerah of
the Prophet (s)
6- Miswak & Oil (perfume)
7- Koofi or Headscarf (hijab)
How to order?
Write us at NafsinWahida@yahoo.com and include in the Subject : Welcome Box.
Please give us your name, address and if you need a female or male box. Allow us 7 business days to get your "Welcome Box" ready and shipped directly to you. Or simply send us a message on Facebook "Nafsin Wahida" with the same information.
Let us know if you need Islamic material in Spanish.
Sponsoring a Box
Would you like to gain the reward of helping us to assemble these Welcome Boxes? You can do so by donating brand new items listed above or by sponsoring a box for $25, it will cover all the material that is included plus the shipping costs. You can click "SHOP" and purchase a "New Shahada Welcome Box" via our website. Or you can mail us a Check/Money Order:
Nafsin Wahida
PO BOX 380093
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Please include your name so we know who is sponsoring the box directly.
Thank You